National Youth’s Day/12th January 2020
“There is no chance of the welfare of the world unless the conditions of women in improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on one wing.”
-Swami Vivekananda
Editorial Board:-
- Chief Functionary: Nurani Islam
- Editor: D. P. Banerjee
- Advisor: Manas Kumar Thakur
- Editorial Committee:
- Ashiya Sheikh
- Mehnaaz Parveen
- Asit Dutta
Messages from Chief Functionary…..

Nurani Islam
CEO Atghara Jyoti Mohila Udyog
আজ আমি আপনাদের সামনে আটঘরা জ্যোতি মহিলা উদ্যোগ এর ইতি কথা তুলে ধরার সুযোগ পেয়ে অভিভূত ।কবি মনে বলার ইচ্ছা হচ্ছে যে, ঊষার সমিরণ যেন মধ্যাহ্নকে হাতছানি দিয়ে আহ্বান করছে,শুভস্য শীঘ্রম ।অ- লিখিত ভাবে যার যাত্রা শুরু হইয়েছিল ১৯৯২ সালের ৭ই মার্চ। সেই সংস্থা ২০০৬ সালে সে স্বীকৃতি পেয়েছিল আটঘরা জ্যোতি মহিলা উদ্যোগ ( N G O ) রুপে।তার পর থেকে মুখ ও বধির ভাবে কাজ করে চলছিল এই সংস্থা। কত আশা যে মনের কোনে উঁকি দিত তা বলার বা শোনানোর মত কাউকে কাছে পাইনি। ঈশ্বরের অশেষ কৃপায় ২০১৭ সালে মিঃ সোম বাবুর হাত ধরে ২০১৮-১৯ শে এই সংস্থা, আনেক গুনি মানুষের সংস্পর্শে আসতে পেরেছে । আর তারই ফল সরূপ আজ আমরা E- Bulletin Inauguration করছি।
আমি ধন্যবাদ জানাই স্যার মিঃ মানষ ঠাকুর মহাশয়কে।আমি ধন্যবাদ জানাই স্যার ডিপি ব্যানার্জী মহাশয় কে । আমি ধন্যবাদ জানাই ,আজ যারা তাদের Best Write up দিয়ে এই E- Bulletin এর শোভা বা্ড়িয়েছেন।
আজ আবার এক বার পুনঃ জন্ম হলো আটঘারা জ্যোতি মহিলা উগ্যোগ এর।সেই জ্যোতি এবার ঊষার উঞ্চতায় ঝল মল করবে আশারাখি।
আমাদের উদ্দেশ্য হল সামাজিক ভাবে সমাজের মানুষের সার্বিক উন্নতি। তাদের অধিকার ও ক্ষমতা কে জ্ঞান দ্বারা বৃদ্ধি করা।বিভিন্ন বিষয়ের উপর আমরা এই ক্ষমতা ও জ্ঞান বৃদ্ধির তথ্য সরবরাহ করবো, আমাদের এই E- Bulletin এর মাধ্যমে। বিভিন্ন সামাজিক সংগঠন,ব্যবস্থাপক,অনুভবপ্রতিষ্ঠা্ সরকারি,বেসরকারি বর্গের মধ্যে।
প্রতি মাসে একটি করে এই ঊষা E- Bulletin প্রকাশিত হবে।
এই মহৎ উদ্দেশ্যকে সফল্ করার জন্যা যারা E- Bulletin এর সার্বিক উন্নতি কল্পে নিরলস পরিশ্রম করে চলেছেন এবং চলবেন তাদের উদ্যোগ ও উদ্দিপনাকে আটঘারা জ্যোতি মহিলা উদ্যোগের তরফ থেকে জানাই শুভেচ্ছা ও অভিনন্দন।
From the Desk of the Editor…..
D.P Banerjee
Regional Manager [East]
In Corporate Communications of LIC (Rtd)
Here’s wishing all the joy of the season. Have a Happy New Year-2020….
It has been a great honor for me to take up this responsible role as Editor in Chief of this maiden issue of e-bulletin ‘USHA’ , as our in house communication methodology as well as an initiative of e learning procedures to keep pace with the need of the hour.
I am greatly humble and immensely thankful to all our Team AJMU members, Patrons and Well wishers, with special thanks to our Boards members & Madam Nurani, our CEO, as instrumentals in making me Editor of USHA-a symbolic name Means “dawn” in Sanskrit & also considered the daughter of heaven absolutely matching with our purpose and existence as our NGO is working for the cause of Women Empowerment.
E-bulletin as defined (in Google) as Electronics bulletin boards also known as Message board/computer forums intended for posting of public messages, educational inputs and inflowing information on ongoing matters that caters to organizational interest.
Today e-bulletin as in-house communication system is gained momentum and poised to put printing
media in back foot due to many eco-friendly aspects in tune with Go Green movement initiated by many Social Organizations and paperless concept being encouraged at Govt. level. Our thrust on this E-practice is to reach across ‘Mass & Class’ where in small business owners and self employed individuals may share their articles on strategies and trend in market place. We would also welcome Govt. and private Institutions for articles, writes up and marketing tips on strategic success for Micro and Small entrepreneurs and so on.
Let’s begin our Venture on this auspicious occasion of ‘National Youth Day'(12Jan’2020) in commemorating Swami Vivekananda’s 157th birthday. May His blessings for our USHA be a direction for all ‘Youths encouragement’ and ‘Women empowerment’. Swamiji visualized that the future Indian women would cross the chapter glorious achievement in socialistic way rather than religious nature. Time is now to thrust on women empowerment movement on their physical and economic development
While thanking all readers and Viewers once again let me conclude in inviting constructive criticism & suggestion or feedback from all corners to ensure our traverse through USHA, an e-route in right direction for the next issue & onwards..
D .P .Banerjee
Message from the Advisor…..

Manas Kumar Thakur
President (2016 – 2017)
Strategic Management Consultant
Friends, please accept my warm wishes for a bright and prosperous New Year 2020. I pray to almighty for the well being and happiness of all the stake holders of AJMU who are directly or indirectly associates with the noble activities. I hope that the flavour of New Year 2020 will inspire you to perform with much more vigour with renewed energy.
You are aware that to meet the huge demand of rural economic consumption there is a unique opportunity for the SHG members in India. In line with the Skill
Development policies these sorts of initiations are the best option. The idea is to develop equipped SHG members who will serve the potential gap of rural business cycle.
Since the Global as well as Indian economic scenario is changing rapidly. So I hope the specific e-bulletin will help the all SHG members and outsiders for their enhancement of skill and entrepreneurship concept. The Governing body of AJMU has decided to launch e-bulletin for the useful link for the above purpose which will create awareness for those who are ready to contribute to the economy based on their capacity.
E-bulletin covers articles on relevant topics apart from sharing of related information. I request the all stake holders to go through it and offer constructive suggestions in order to improve the quality of the e-bulletin.
I assure you that the governing body of AJMU is geared up to take the challenges for the rural economic benefit. I wish all of you a very successful future based on your dedication and honest mind.
Our Journey…..

ESTD. : 1992. W.B.Govt. Regd. No. S/1L/34684.
PHONE : 033-25196396,Mob:8017111026
Atghara Jyoti Mohila Udyog (AJMU) led by women NGO under society act. It is run to ameliorate are the socio economic status of the underprivileged women and their words. However the organization started its operation since 7th March 1992 under the active leadership of Smt. Nurani Islam who after prolonged struggle against poverty and social barriers, established this organization from the burgeoning state to the position for the betterment and welfare of the downtrodden women of the community. The organization has brought about the proliferation of its activities as mentioned here under :
With a view to eradicating poverty and promoting the socio-economic status of the underprivileged women,financial assistance through forming selp helf groups ajmu has taken a boldly step. On 15th February, 2001 it started with two SHGs known as Suryamukhi & Gandharaj. The proliferation of the activities is given below in the field of SHG justifies the massive contribution of Smt. Nurani Islam in building up this organization (as per the statistics of 26th July’ 2019)
No. of SHGs No.of members.
1059 1324
This organization is one of the selected NGOs by NABARD as NGO as SHPI-Sanction of grant assistance for promotion and linkage of 200 SHGs (Ref. No. NB ( WB ). mCID/5188/B-2 (218 ) AJMU-1/2016-17, dated 01 March 2017.
Smt. Nurani Islam humble begning as a tailoring instructor gradually has not only settled her but also helped her to reap profit by bagging tailoring orders/assignments from different agencies like Khadi Village Industry Corporation (KVIC), local schools for uniform and other significant merchandise. At present 10 tailoring centers are functioning with 80 trainees. Being impressed with the activities of this organization NABARD (National Bank For Agriculture & Rural Development) came forward to sponsord the training projects twicely on tailoring trade (Basic) and skill development initiative SDI (Tailoring Advanced). The renowed organization SIDBI also sponsorded the training project on tailoring trade (Basic). The organization has been empanelled for imparting skill development training programmes to the Self Help Group Members as well as Unemployed Youth of the State to be organized by WBSCL(West Bengal Swarojgar Corporation Limited). Government of West Bengal, Office of the Block Development Officer, Rajarhat Development Block, Rajarhat, North 24 Parganas has selected also as a Master Trainer for Training of Tailoring. MSME DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE, GOVT. OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MSME has appointed this organization to conduct two numbers of Entrepreneurship and skill development progrommes (ESDP) on cutting and tailoring (REF.No.DI/KOL/IOC/Haldia/PD/2018-19 dated 24.o7.2019). More than 5000 trainees have successfully completed their courses and are engaged in various income generating ventures. AJMU has introduced its own production house were round the clock processing arrangements for manufacturimg various garments are carried out. AJMU has opened two ware houses at Atghara,Purbapara and Raigachi Sesh more, where the products of the SHG’s are being sold. Products were also sent out side state for sale such as Gaganendra Pradarshani, Milan Mela at Netaji Indoor Stadium, Vidyasagar Mela at Salt Lake, Netaji Sanga Shyama Puja Prangan, Vastsalya Mela at New Delhi etc.It is pleasure to express that AJMU has started on line marketing through
RMK,DELHI, ( ) sponsord by-Ministry of Women & Child Development,Govt. Of India.
Though Smt. Islam’s level of education was not very high yet she had a great urge for education. She knew that people of Rajarhat belt are the victims of extreme poverty. Resultantly they used their children as earning machineries. Education was a nightmare to them. Under the circumstances, she tried to spread education among the underprivileged children.On.1st Sept. 2006 she founded Atghara Jyoti Public School for formal and informal education.
Presently 150 students are taking education here. The school is awarded with special certificate of honour “School That Cares” by The Telegraph news paper for consecutive four years i.e. 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.The school is at present in defunct state.
Although the prime aims of the organization is to improve socio-economic status of the poor women but our effort cannot evoke better result if proper health care services are not provided to these women. Accordingly AJMU organizes various health care camps e.g., Heart Check Up Camps, Eye Check Up Camps, Thalassemia Prevention Awareness Camp, Awareness and Overy Cancer Detection Camp etc., from where, apart from providing services of renowned doctors, free medicines are also supplied. Besides, free blood donor cards are also distributed to these women at their dire necessity. But AJMU never thinks that its journey halts here, so arrangements are in hand to introduce health care units at various villages and bring these underprivileged women in to the life insurance fold i.e, never allowing the destiny to look with glare.
Economic Development Through Skilling
Shrinjoy Thakur
The objective of this scheme is to encourage skill development for youth by providing monetary rewards for successful completion of approved training programs. Objectives, as mentioned on its website include: Encourage standardization in the certification process and initiate a process of creating a registry of skills.
newed energy.
What is the main objective of skill development?
The main objectives of the NSDC are to: Upgrade skills to international standards through significant industry involvement and develop necessary frameworks for standards, curriculum and quality assurance.
What are the objectives of ‘skill India’?
Features of ‘Skill India’
The emphasis is to skill the youths in such a way so that they get employment and also improve entrepreneurship. Provides training, support and guidance for all occupations that were of traditional type like carpenters, cobblers, welders, blacksmiths, masons, nurses, tailors, weavers etc.
What is skill development?
Skills development is the process of (1) identifying your skill gaps, and (2) developing and honing these skills. It is important because your skills determine your ability to execute your plans with success. In goal achievement, your skills are your tools. The house is your goal.
What are the benefits of skill development?
General Benefits from Employee Training and Development.
Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees.
Increased employee motivation.
Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain.
Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods.
Increased innovation in strategies and products.
Why is skill important?
The importance of life skills
In a constantly changing environment, having life skills is an essential part of being able to meet the challenges of everyday life. To cope with the increasing pace and change of modern life, students need new life skills such as the ability to deal with stress and frustration.
What is skill loan scheme?
Skill Loan Scheme (herein after called “Skilling Loan”) provides loan facility to individuals who intend to take up skill development courses aligned to National Occupations Standards and Qualification Packs and leading to a certificate/diploma/degree by the Training Institutes as per National Skill Qualification
What is skill development plan?
Creating a job skills development plan is a useful strategy for achieving professional growth. The ideal plan identifies long-term goals and outlines a detailed approach for developing job skills. Career counsellors use job skills development plans to help clients achieve their career aspirations.
How do you develop skills?
Here are seven tips for developing your skills:
Be curious. Curiosity is essential because it makes the process of developing skills much more enjoyable.
Develop your learning skill.
Be a versatile.
Find your role models.
Find your mentors.
Get feedback through real projects.
Shorten your learning cycle.
What is Skill India initiative?
Skill India is a campaign launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 15 July 2015 which aims to train over 40 crore people in India in different skills by 2022. 3.To enable the creation and sustainability of support systems required for skill development. This includes the Industry led Sector Skill Councils.
What is skill Programme?
Skill Programmes. A Skills Programme is an occupation-based learning programme aimed at building skills that have economic value, and which incorporates at least one unit standard. It is registered by a SETA and delivered by an accredited training provider and it leads to a qualification registered on the NQF.
What is PMKVY exam?
PMKVY is the flagship outcome-based skill training scheme of the new Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE). The objective of this skill certification and reward scheme is to enable and mobilize a large number of Indian youth to take up skill training and become employable and earn their livelihood.
What are personal skills?
A skill is the ability to do something well, a certain competence or proficiency. Skills are typically acquired or developed through direct experiences and training, and they can require sustained effort. Therefore, personal skills are simply those skills that you possess and consider your strengths.
How many types of skill development are there?
A skill is an ability to perform an activity in a competent manner. Skills can be classified into three main types: Transferable/Functional,Personal Traits/Attitudes, and Knowledge-based.
Why do we need skill development?
In today’s age of globalisation and technological volatility, skill building is an important instrument to increase the efficacy and quality of labour for improved productivity and economic growth. Skill building is a powerful tool to empower individuals and improve their social acceptance.
What is skill based learning?
Skill-Based Learning Method
Definition: Skill-based learning revolves around developing and using certain skills that can later be used to attain the mandatory knowledge. The classroom setting will encourage individuality, as well as combination of active learning and teamwork to help the people retain the knowledge.
Why learning and development is important?
Improved employee performance – the employee who receives the necessary training is more able to perform in their job. A training program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. A development program brings all employees to a higher level so they all have similar skills and knowledge.
What is the purpose of training and development?
The purpose of the training and development function is to: Organize and facilitate learning and development. Expedite acquisition of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for effective job performance.
What are 5 transferable skills?
Transferable Skills Job Seekers Need
- In almost every career, from banking to the hospitality industry, good communication skills are vital.
- Analytical Skills.
- Information Management Skills.
- Project Management.
What are the important skills?
10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything
- Public Speaking. The ability to speak clearly, persuasively, and forcefully in front of an audience – whether an audience of 1 or of thousands – is one of the most important skills anyone can develop.
- Self-Management.
- Critical Thinking.
- Decision-Making.
What are the 7 essential life skills?
The seven essential life skills you’ll hone in this workshop are:
- Focus and Self-Control.
- Perspective Taking.
- Making Connections.
- Critical Thinking.
- Taking on Challenges.
- Self-Directed, Engaged Learning.
What is NSDC course?
National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC) The National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC) is a public-private partnership that supports the skills development ecosystem in India and funds effective private sector skills training initiatives.
What is PMKVY course?
Pradhan MantriKaushalVikasYojana (PMKVY) is the flagship scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE). The objective of this Skill Certification Scheme is to enable a large number of Indian youth to take up industry-relevant skill training that will help them in securing a better livelihood.
What is the use of PMKVY certificate?
It entitles a pay-out of Rs.500/- to certified candidate under various programs – Short Term training, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Special Project. A reward-based training, PMKVY extends Skill India Certification, Boarding & Lodging, Conveyance Support, Post Placement support among key benefits.
What are NSQF subjects?
Students will have 13 options to choose from for the sixth subject — Dynamics of Retailing, Information Technology, Security, Automobile Technology, Introduction to Financial Market, Introduction to Tourism, Beauty and Wellness, Basic Agriculture, Food Production, Front Office Operations, Banking and Insurance,
How many levels are in NSQF?
10 levels
National Skill Qualifications Framework (NSQF) has defined 10 levels of competency. Some School Boards are providing Level-4 certificate which is being considered as equivalent to Class-XII.
What is qualification pack?
A Qualification Pack (QP) is a set of NOS aligned to a job role. A QP is available for every job role in each industry sector. Thus, the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) theoretically makes it possible to drive competency based training for every job role in industry.
What is the role of NSDC?
NSDC is a not-for profit Company set up by the Ministry of Finance, under Companies Act to promote skill development with the help of the private sector. It was launched in 2009, primarily to enable skills-related training through private-sector partners with the objective of skilling 150 million people by 2022.
What is make in India concept?
‘Make in India’ initiative was launched on September 25, 2014 by the Government of India with the aim to promote manufacturing in India. The program includes major new initiatives designed to facilitate investment, foster innovation, protect intellectual property, and build best-in-class manufacturing infrastructure.
What is the benefit of skill India?
Advantages of Skill India
The idea is to raise confidence, improve productivity and give direction through proper skill development. Skill development will enable the youths to get blue-collar jobs.
Is B VOC a degree?
B.Voc (Bachelor of Vocation) is a regular 3 years degree recognized by UGC (University Grants Commission of India). Just like B.Sc there are many specializations in B.Voc like Analytics, Retail Management, Software Development, Textile Design, Automobile, etc.
Who are eligible for PMKVY?
Candidate needs to be a minimum of 18 years of age.
Candidate needs to have a AADHAR card.
Candidate needs to have an auto debit Bank of India account.
Which country is the most educated country in the world?
Here Are the 10 Most Educated Countries in the World
Number 1: Canada. This country tops the list as the most educated in the world, with 56.27 percent of adults having earned some kind of higher education.
Number 2: Japan.
Number 3: Israel.
Number 4: Korea.
Number 5: The United Kingdom.
Number 6: The United States.
Number 7: Australia.
Number 8: Finland.
What is the meaning of skill development?
Skills development is the process of (1) identifying your skill gaps, and (2) developing and honing these skills. It is important because your skills determine your ability to execute your plans with success. Imagine a carpenter trying to build a house. … In goal achievement, your skills are your tools.
What are the top 10 countries for education?
Here are the 10 most educated countries:
Israel. 49.90 percent.
Korea. 46.86 percent.
United Kingdom. 45.96 percent.
United States. 45.67 percent.
Australia. 43.74 percent.
Finland. 43.60 percent.
Norway. 43.02 percent.
Luxembourg. 42.86 percent.
Why is Skill development important?
Skill development is important in the overall development of a student. Personal development learning skills will not only increase the opportunities but will also empower an individual. Skills like networking and communication go a long way in aiding the overall development of a person.
What is the rank of India?
List | India ranking/No. of countries | Year |
Financial development index | 51/183 | 2016 |
IT industry competitiveness index | 18/66 | 2016 |
ICT development index | 134/176 | 2017 |
Which is the position of India in the world?
India slips to 7th position in global GDP ranking. New Delhi: India has slipped one notch in the World Bank’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rankings in 2018, and is now the seventh-largest economy with the United Kingdom and France ahead of India, data from the international lending institution said.
Is India a rich or poor country?
Although India is expected to meet the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals on extreme poverty in due time, a very large share of its population lives on less than $3.2 a day, putting India’s economy safely into the category of lower middle income economies.
Is India a 3rd world country?
India is considered to be a Third World country and is also a developing country today.
Third World countries referenced the nations, mostly in Asia and Africa that were not aligned with either the United States or the Soviet Union. The United States was considered a member of the First World, and Russia was considered a member of the Second World.
The three biggest challenges for India’s future
- Skill development and employment for the future workforce
- Socioeconomic inclusion of rural India
- A healthy and sustainable future
India’s top 7 challenges, from skills to water scarcity
- Education and skills.
- Urbanization
- Health
- Sanitation
- Gender
- Water scarcity
Skill Development in India
CMA Ria Chowdhury
Assistant Director
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India
Skill development is the most important aspect for the development of a Country. India experiences a huge advantage by having a young workforce, which means it has high scope of providing manpower to the labour market. After assessing the high demand for the skilled workforce in the world, the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship was formed in 2014.
In India, the skill acquisition is by through two channels which include both formal and informal methods. While both Public and Private Sector aims at imparting the formal training, the informal channel is more unstructured and can be imparted through working on the job or through experiential learning. In addition to this, the government is also looking at the Public and Private Partnership known as the PPP model. Apart from this, there are privately run Industrial Training Centres known as ITCs and vocational schools. Though there is a lot of participation from the private sector on skill development but the public sector dominates the skill development programs in India.
Indian Policy framework for Skill development
- The government of India designed a policy framework for skill development which includes the Apprentices Act, 1961, The National Skill Policy and the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF).
- The Apprentice Act, 1961 aims at making it mandatory for establishments in the private and the public sector to train the students.
- The National Policy on Skill Development, a Public Private Partnership model, was framed in 2009 with an aim to strengthen the skill development initiatives of the country. It was established in order to promote skill development by creating large and exceptional quality vocational institution with the appropriate training infrastructure.
- The National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF), enacted in December 2013, was built on the concept of competencies which analyses the knowledge, skills and aptitude needed at each qualification.
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) model
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) model
- India’s Technical education has suffered tremendously because of the lack of infrastructure and the industry relevant curriculum program.
- With a view, to ensure that the country has more employable workforce, the government in the early 2000s, decided to launch the concept of public- private partnership.
- The government in the year 2005-06 decided to upgrade 100 ITIs with the help of the internal resources available. The remaining ITIs were focused to be developed through the PPP model.
- The Skill Development Initiative (SDI) focused on the increasing the number of Public Private Partnerships. It aims at providing people with the skills to perform the job effectively. It not only focused on the existing employees and students, but also focused on providing skills to school leavers and young graduates.
Current Employment and Skill Scenario of India
- In India, only 1.8% of the population reported receiving formal vocational/technical training while 5.6% reported receiving informal vocational training (such as hereditary, self-learning, and on the job training) in 2017-18.
- A minimum of 8 million new job seekers enter the jobs market every year. In 2017, only 5.5 million job had been created, and the situation is worsening as the unemployment rate is the highest in 45 years today.
- The unemployment rate reached 34 per cent among the 20-24-year-olds in the first quarter of 2019.

- More than 40% of the youth (15-29 years) who received formal technical training were not part of the labour force (i.e., they were not working or seeking employment opportunities).
- Among youth, who did not receive such formal training, 62 % were out of the labour force.
- Across age groups, substantial shares of the women who received such training were out of the labour force.
- Nearly a third of trained young men and more than a third of trained young women were unemployed.

- Men and women received starkly different kinds of training, reinforcing the segregation of the labour market.
- mass communication were men while the fields of beauty & wellness, hospitality and healthcare were dominated by women.
- 48 per cent of Indian employers reported difficulties filling job vacancies due to talent shortage. The worst affected sector has been Information Technology (IT), where 1,40,000 skilled techies could not be recruited in 2018 despite a high proportion of the job offers.
About Skill India Initiative
- Skill India was a campaign launched in July 2015 which aims to train over 40 crore people in India in different skills by 2022.
- It includes various initiatives of the government like National Skill Development Mission, Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)and the Skill Loan scheme.
- It is an initiative by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) of India. NSDC was set up as part of a National Skill Development Mission to fulfil the growing need in India for skilled manpower and narrow the existing gap between the demand and supply of skills.
- It has three tier system: A Governing Council at apex led by Prime Minister, a Steering Committee and a Mission Directorate (along with an Executive
- Committee) as the executive arm of the Mission.
- It helps in maintaining a national database, known as the Labour Market Information System (LMIS), which act as a portal for matching the demand and supply of skilled workforce in the country. LMIS also serve as a platform for monitoring the performance of existing skill development programmes, running in every Indian state.
- The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship was set up in 2014 to drive the ‘Skill India’ agenda in a ‘Mission Mode’ in order to converge existing skill training initiatives.
- The main innovation of “Skill India” consisted in integrating vocational training classes linked to the local economy with formal education from class nine onwards in at least 25 per cent of the schools and higher education bodies.
- A very important aspect of Skill India was its Public–private partnership (PPP) character: Companies were requested to earmark 2 per cent of their payroll bill for skill development initiatives.
- One of the most innovative dimensions of Skill India was the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana under which the training fees was paid by the government. The PMKVY’s budget was approximately Rs 12,000 crore for four years (2016-2020). Its main component was the short-term training, which could last between 150 and 300 hours.
Challenges of Skill development in India
Insufficient Scale and Restricted Capability
- The training infrastructure and educational infrastructure needs to be made adequate keeping in mind the number of aspirants to be skilled.
- There aren’t many trained and highly skilled trainers available. The faculty needs to be motivated and skilled to take up higher responsibilities.
- Another crucial aspect in skill development is the ‘Train the Trainers’. The trainer should be able to assess the needs of the students considering the labour market situation. It also requires that there is an ideal mix of both theoretical as well as practical learning experience. Hence, training of the trainer has become a major challenge.
- The enrolment of the students for vocational education and training has become an extremely challenging task.
- The perception of the people associated with the skill development is still very traditional. The students are moving on to managerial roles as the technical trades positions are associated with low salaries and lack of recognition.
- There are students who are not able to pay for the fee and may not be aware of the schemes run by the government which also leads to a low mobility towards such programs.
- Skilling has always been branded as a blue collar job, which is further associated with low pay scales, limited growth and less challenging roles.
- Like Singapore, our government needs to focus a lot on the branding strategies for skill development which may ensure a high mobility towards such programs.
Employer’s buy-in
- The industry doesn’t distinguish whether the person has acquired the skills through on the job training or has gone through a formal training.
- Many companies make their own skill centres through which they develop the people.
- Though the Skill Development also focuses on the Public Private Partnership Model but it needs a lot of effort from both the players in development of skills.
- Since the skill development model requires high capital investments, the people are not very willing to support such a model. The challenges associated with unavailability of infrastructure, slow processing of bank loans seldom demoralizes the entrepreneurs.
- In rural region, it becomes more challenging because the people aren’t aware of the credit facility and the different schemes supported by the government.
- The urban areas face issues like high operational cost which discourages such entrepreneurs to come forward.
Skills Mismatch
- There is a lot of issue related to the skills needed by the industry and the skills imparted through the educational and training institute.
- There is a lack of industry-faculty interaction because of which the skill set doesn’t suit the employer.
- Though the people may be skilled but they are not employable. It becomes extremely important that the industry professionals are also included during the design of the curriculum.
No focus on Non-Technical Skills
- The Vocational Training Centres in India is focusing on developing technical skills only whereas the employers feel the need of having Behavioural Skills also.
- The employers also focus on Skills like Domain Expertise, Communication, a culturally fit person, values on Honesty and Integrity, Adaptability, focused on Result, Interpersonal skill and Learning attitude.
- These skills are not covered as an integral part of the skill development. This is a major challenge as it results to a lot of unemployed skilled workforce.
High Cost
- The cost of the training is high which is not affordable by many of the students aspiring for training.
- According to the estimates of Planning Commission, around 80% of the individuals who enter the workforce don’t have the opportunity for training.
- Moreover, due to unsatisfactory placement records and low salary offers after the training completion, high training cost does not appeal the target population.
Direct admission without assessment
- One of the major causes for low quality of training is the low frequency of pre-assessment or entrance tests before admitting students to the skill training institutes.
- Randomly choosing training courses may lead to a mismatch between the interests and the abilities of the students as a result of which students are unable to cope with the course requirements and thus drop-outs occur.
Lack of standardization
- There is no standardization of the course curriculum or training delivery systems due to which it is not possible to compare courses across different training institutes which also creates ambiguity among the student about skills
Career Counselling
- There is a lack of proper career guidance to the students due to the inadequate placement statistics and weak industry linkages of the training institutes.
- The institutes are often set up in rural areas but the jobs offered to the trainees are in urban areas.
- The absence of information on the nature and location of the job leads to uninformed skill acquisition choices.
And the Road Ahead……
Community Development through Community Resources:-
Most of us are doing Community Development work whereby we want to see life-change to the people we serve and we also want to see the sustainability of our work…but the challenge is the approach and the attitudes we use towards Communities which at the end hinder success to our Community…
“Arise! Awake! And stop not until the Goal is Reached.”
-Swami Vivekananda
Admirable initiative however It looks of much higher standard w.r.t common folks especially women.More down to earth topics in lucid language preferebly in bengali could be more effective.
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.